
Yes, we can. If your partner or someone else living in your home is abusing or controlling you in some way, we can support you.

  • Contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0808 200 0247
  • If you are in Oxfordshire or West Berkshire, call our domestic abuse helpline on 0800 731 0055 (10am - 7pm, Monday to Friday)
  • If you can't contact the helpline, speak to your Neighbourhood Officer
  • In an emergency, always call 999

We've got a specialist team who can help you stop the abuse, and we'll do everything we can to keep you and your family safe. You just have to take the first step and tell someone about what's happening. This may be terrifying, but know that:

  • People will believe you
  • You aren't alone
  • It isn't your fault
  • Your children won't be taken away from you just because you've been abused
  • You have the right to feel safe and live free of abuse

Depending on what you want or need, we could:

  • Arrange a secret meeting with a support worker (with an interpreter if you need one)
  • Help you understand what your options are
  • Help you leave your home safely
  • Remove the abuser from your home
  • Repair your home and provide extra security if you need it
  • Work with the police and Social Services if we need to

Don't worry about having nowhere to live when you leave the person abusing you. We can help you:

  • Find a temporary place to stay
  • Find a way for you to stay in your home, or
  • Find a new home

Learn more about our Domestic abuse support team

Not ready to leave or make a report?

If you're thinking about leaving, but you're not ready or you're not sure, here are some things you can do. They could be useful if you need to leave in a hurry.

  • Keep a diary of the abuse. It can be used as evidence later.
  • Make a safety plan. How will you get out of your home if your partner becomes violent? Arrange to go to a friend or family member you can trust. Include your children in your safety plan, and practise it if you think you need to.
  • Gather or make copies of important documents - birth or marriage certificates, bank details, medical cards, National Insurance numbers.
  • Try to save some money and ask someone you trust to keep it for you. Also, ask them to keep some clothes for you and your children.
  • If you need to, get advice from a solicitor about how you would get an injunction (court order) and any child custody issues.

Please try to get some advice on how to leave safely. Besides us, there are a lot of other organisations than can advise and help you.

We are proud to be a member of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA). A network providing support and guidance towards the response to domestic abuse within the housing sector.